• Choosing a Children's Yoga Teacher Training

    Teaching yoga to kids promotes mindfulness, empathy, and a sense of adventure. Children can then carry these skills with them through life to foster resilience and cope with challenges.

    A childrens yoga teacher training will provide the tools and knowledge needed to teach all age ranges of children. It will also cover marketing, business planning, insurance, and other essential aspects of starting a kids yoga business.

    Age Ranges

    There is a lot to consider when choosing a Children’sYoga Teacher Training. One of the main things to consider is the age ranges that will be covered by the training. This will help you decide if the course is right for you.

    You also want to look at how much time will be spent on class planning. For example, a typical 95-hour kids yoga training will spend a lot of time on how to plan classes for different age groups.

    Childrens Yoga is a very beneficial form of exercise for children of all ages. It relieves stress, increases focus and helps them to learn how to relax. It is also a great way for children to develop their physical, emotional and social skills. A virtual training will provide you with the tools to teach yoga, meditation and mindfulness to children of all ages. The curriculum is designed to empower you to share these practices with confidence and joy, regardless of your teaching experience or yoga background.

    Teaching Styles

    For children’s yoga, it can be helpful to have a variety of different tools and poses. One of the most important things is knowing how to keep the kids engaged during class. This is often done through playful games and activities that help the kids feel energized and confident.

    Kids also enjoy being praised and rewarded for their efforts in the classroom. It is easy for children to get bored when they are not having fun. It is important to find out about the kids that are going to be attending your class before you begin teaching. This can be done by having the parents fill out a survey that is sent through email or through a website on your children’s yoga teacher training site.

    Many yoga teacher training programs will teach you how to plan and implement a class for kids of various ages and abilities. They will also teach you about the brain development of children and how to adapt your class for their unique needs.


    For those looking to teach yoga for kids in a specific setting, it’s important to find a course that prepares you for the type of class you want to offer. Most training programs will cover kid-oriented themes and poses, as well as breathwork techniques for a mindful practice. They may also include lessons on trauma informed teaching, how to avoid power struggles with children, and how to incorporate students of all identities into your classes.

    It’s also a good idea to find a course that covers classroom management and behavior expectations. Look for a 95 hour option with an instructor who has experience teaching in a variety of settings, from schools to private yoga studios. Kumarah Yoga, for example, offers an extensive training that includes lessons on how to use a trauma informed lens when teaching yoga to kids and how to accommodate the needs of autistic students in your class. The program also covers classroom management strategies and positive discipline techniques.


    Teaching yoga to children is a wonderful way to encourage positive wellness strategies for life, these skills will be with them both on and off the mat. As a result of this, the ability to handle a class of children is important and a key factor to consider when choosing a kids yoga teacher training course.

    A 95 hour teacher training course will provide you with a wealth of knowledge and tools to teach children yoga, including a thorough understanding of child development. It will also offer you the opportunity to observe real classes of kids yoga, and practice delivering tried and tested lesson plans with confidence.

    Look for a children’s yoga teacher training that offers a wide range of age groups, and an extensive understanding of both physical anatomy (benefits, contraindications and healthy movement patterns) and energy anatomy (chakras, nadis). This will allow you to cater for all ages, from babies right up to teens.